Halloween 2007 first reviews.....

Halloween and Horror Movies
Dr Strange

Post by Dr Strange » Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:01 pm

Is that why it happens???? I had asked about that earlier but no one seemed to know what I was talking about. I wonder what I wrote to cause it to happen to me??

Female :oops: ?!

I could have sworn that jack-o-lantern avatar was male. :wink: Guess it's a Jill-o-Lantern.

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Post by Tidytourniquet » Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:13 pm

Most forums have filters like that and they always change the word or words to something really stupid like in this case "I'm an idiot".

The last time I checked I was female and I don't recall getting anything changed so yup I must still be one :P

One Eye'd Jack

Post by One Eye'd Jack » Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:06 am

Tidy... I'd love to concede, on this. However, you have NO idea how many movies the lovey Mrs. OEJ has me watch that we actually ARGUE about, before hand...
"Honey, you'll like this one!"
"NO! I'M NOT!!!!"

The PERFECT example is Gone With the Wind! I saw it about 15 years ago and yes... I was probably drunk the first time and I didn't like or get it, at all!!! Yet, I vowed to never see it again.
And believe me, I put up a good fight......... FOR FIVE YEEEEEARS!!!!!
I finally broke down and I tell you, I was ready to tear this movie a new one! I did NOT have an open mind and I was LOOKING for every little flaw!

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! By the time "AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, I'LL NEVER GO HUNGRY AGAIN", rolled around I was crying like a "I'm an idiot"........... And I typed that, by the way! :)

Other movies that I've resisted and ended up loving.....
Dream Girls
Lilo and Stitch
The Queen
Just like Heaven
Finding Neverland
Mrs. Henderson Presents
Calendar Girls....
Lord.... there are SOOOO many others!

The point here is, if I'm presented with a truly good story, more times than not, I'll probably like it, if not LOVE it!

[Dang it! She just ran upstairs cuz I told her it was too late to watch 'Dexter' cuz I'm buzy with all my Halloween friends... something ELSE she's been wanting me to watch.... will I ever learn?]

Anyway.... 'Halloween' kept me waiting SO long for something convincing to happen THAT'S when I started picking it apart. I can most certainly over look flaws.... Heck! JAWS is my favorite movie and I'll be the FIRST to tell you just how FLAWED it is.

I don't believe in the "Devil" but The Exorcist still freaks me out!

For myself, the flaws in 'Halloween' outweighed the STORY; it outweighed the ACTING; it outweighed the DIALOGUE! It outweighed EVERYTHING that I've ever heared about the movie being so "CLASSIC"!

AND I'll be the FIRST to tell you that it can go the other way, too...
BOWFINGER, for example is a BAD MOVIE...... but for me, there's just something so endearing about it, that I just LOVE it!

And ANOTHER thing.... BECAUSE "I watched the movie for the sake of my halloween friends", I REALLY DID WANT to like the movie! And I STILL found nothing redeeemable about it, THAT should tell you something.

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Post by Tidytourniquet » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:55 am

OK OK I get it. I just couldn't believe that someone could watch the original and not like it. I grew up watching it every year around halloween and maybe that has something to do with why I still like it today and I continue to watch it every year. Watching it as a kid for the first time as opposed to watching it as an adult for the first time could be a big reason for someone liking it and not liking it. As adults our minds are just totally different (no matter how much we still want to be a kid or still act like one) so the story just doesn't come across that same way.

I got to give it to you though for watching those movies. I haven't seen any of them and would probably also put up a fight if someone wanted me to watch them. Especially sad movies because I hate to cry but I guess if it can make you cry then it must me a pretty good movie.

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