Does anyone know about the James Bulger murder in 1993? In the UK on February 2003, there was this 3-year-old boy named James "Jaime" Patrick Bulger who was a Liverpool resident. He was at a shopping mall with his mother, but when his mother left him when she went into a store, two 1-year-old boys named Jon Vernerables and Robert Thompson kidnapped him away from the shopping center and out of the city. They took him into the woods where they stopped by a railroad track, they threw stones at the yound boy, then beat him up and kicked him badly. They put batteries up his rectum and they defaced him with a metal bar, then bashed him on the head until he died. They put his body on the tracks to make it look like an accident, a week later after the investigation from the cops when they found his mutilated body on the tracks they arrested the two boys. They even found a copy of "Child's Play 3" in one of their parent's houses and started to blame the film thinking the two boys were imitating a scene from the movie.
But there was no evidence that either boy saw the movie before the killing, they only watched it after the killing. The story shocked the UK and Ireland big time!
So, this story makes me disgusting!