by Murfreesboro » Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:28 am
Yesterday I stumbled on the old 1950s version of Moby Dick (Gregory Peck), so I watched it. It reminded me that I really ought to re-read that novel, which I enjoyed very much when I was young.
ETA: Oops! I see that I already mentioned the Moby Dick movie. I have no immediate plans for more movie viewing. November is kind of a spare month that way, unlike Sept. & Oct., when I am running through my Halloween collection. I may watch Saving Private Ryan for Veterans Day, and I may also pull out Luther (Joseph Fiennes), as I believe Martin Luther's birthday is this month, and I like the movie. Sometimes I screen Disney's Pocahontas prior to Thanksgiving, and I may pull out a DVD of Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving special. I can't think of very many Thanksgiving movies. Can you?