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Crimson reviews Dark Night Of The Scarecrow

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:45 am
by Nostalgiascape
In all honesty on a scale of four blood stains, I want to give this one all four. But it would only be out of biased afection. As a kid this movie scared the blue hell out of me.

The only hold up of this film is that it is low budget made for TV. The story makes it seem like they're supposed to be in the Midwest somewhere, but the hills in the backdrop say Southwest.

The story however is solid. An excellent Vengeance tale. A retarded adult male and his best friend a 7 year old girl. Now add that one person who all of you knew growing up who was hated for his ability to be a know it all and act bigger than he is. Give him a group of idiots and you might guess where the story leads. This movie is a perfect scary film that you might allow your pre teen child and his/her friends to watch at a Halloween party.

Despite the low budget, this movie did have its chilling moments. I am purposefully vauge because I would like you to try and find this film to watch yourself.

I give this film 3 out of 4 Bloodstains.

Re: Crimson reviews Dark Night Of The Scarecrow

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:58 pm
by OctoberChill
Good review. It's a classic. It's kinda like Of Mice and Men meets Pumpkinhead :)

It was originally a made for tv movie right? I know there's not much if any blood. The part where the one guy falls off the top of the barn into that machine, then it goes directly into the next scene of the postman throwing a big glob of red jam on his plate....nice :)

Re: Crimson reviews Dark Night Of The Scarecrow

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:39 pm
by Nostalgiascape
lol, "More preserves?" "yes please." Mail man wanted more of just about everything on the table. Funny how he thought he was all of that, but he lived in a boarding house so he could have a motherly type care for him.

Re: Crimson reviews Dark Night Of The Scarecrow

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:03 pm
by OctoberChill
Yeah, Mr. Mailman had all kinds of issues. Personally I would've gotten the hell outta town after the first one died. Especially after the scarecrow sightings in the farmers field. Screw that. I'd be gone.

Keep those reviews coming man :)

Re: Crimson reviews Dark Night Of The Scarecrow

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:49 pm
by Nostalgiascape
Yeah leaving town would mean that the mail man ring leader would have to admitt he had no control over the problem.

Will def keep the reviews coming.