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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:19 pm
by cooleycoolgirl
dear friend,
is there anyway i can help?
i want everyone to enjoys halloween and not just me.


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:35 pm
by DrN00B
Currently we are holding 2 events. The first is a fund raiser taking place on oct 13th AKA Friday the 13th. At a small but well known coffee shop in my area we are showing Friday the 13th part 3 in 3D! We are making a small profit on the glasses and all the proceeds goes towards making little goodey bags for children at the hospital and getting sugar free candy for a nearby old folks home.

Our second event we do need some help with. We need township public access chanels that will allow us to run our 6 hour dvd or our 8 hour VHS horror movie marathon.

Currently we are working on editing the video and filming our halloween host. As of now our broadcast can be viewed in the following towns
Tinley Park IL -viewed channel 4
Orland Park IL-viewed channel 4
Palos Hts. IL- broadcasting from

Once the footage is completed it will be posted on our site.
Anyone that can get the marathon broadcasted we will be willing to send the footage.

All we need is the address of the township, your name and a number to reach the public access channel.

Movies: on DVD NTSC DVD-R, 6 hour,
Night of the living dead, Devil Bat , House on haunted hill, Gammera

Movies on VHS-8 hour Speed SLP
Night of the Living dead, Devil Bat, House on Haunted Hill, Dracula Vs Frankenstien, Vampire Bat, Gammera