Make your own Halloween Costume

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Make your own Halloween Costume

Post by doiley » Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:34 pm

Newsflash! The economy sucks! Halloween is coming! Halloween is Expensive! And let’s speculate a little here… you could use some extra cash. Well here’s an idea that could help you to address all of these things. Do your part to improve your economy, cut down on the expense of Halloween and PUT SOME MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!

“”, a new website where you can download all the step-by-step instructions you need to make your own Halloween or Party Costumes. Created by a top Hollywood Costume Designer, intro video is only $7.00, each video is packed full of tips and tricks and ideas to custom make your own quality costume and incidentally… No sewing necessary! No more settling for store bought foreign made junk! Custom made is comfortable, durable and because you make it, it’s unique! You’ll find that it is sooo simple, you’ll soon be the costume maker for the whole neighborhood! Not a bad way to make some easy extra cash right from the kitchen table! Not bad for a $7.00 investment! Check out “”, see examples of all it has to offer! Invest in yourself and make some easy money!

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