Squidoo launches SquidBOO just in time for Halloween!

Have a site that others should know about? Feel free to add it here and to our Halloween database.
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Squidoo launches SquidBOO just in time for Halloween!

Post by SquidooKimberly » Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:22 pm

Halloween is the new (commercialized) Christmas.

At Squidoo.com, we've discovered that tons of people come to our site every year looking for Halloween stuff. So we made it easy for you to build Halloween-related lenses.


How it works (it's the standard Squidoo with some bonuses):

FIRST: Pick a topic, find some tags

SECOND: Pick a module set (the first one is fine, any one will work...)

Then, you'll find your lens already loaded with costumes, DVDs and more. Go ahead and delete the ones you don't like and add more. There's a lot of scary stuff out there. Let's help people find it.

Squidoo (I mean SquidBoo) wants to be the best place to get your scare on.

Trick or treat.


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