If you want to have some fun with your friends, try “Booing for Halloween”.
How to “Boo!” someone for Halloween!
Want to help get your neighbors and friends in the Halloween Spirit?
BOO! them, see below. Have more ideas? Comment below!
Now generally you want to BOO! at least 3 or 4 of your friends in order to get this started, but if you can do 6 or 8, it will get the ball rolling much faster in your area!
You just need to print the image below (or copy the following text into your favorite text editor/word processor and print out a copy) for each person you intend to “Boo!”. Get a basket or bag together with some Halloween treats, such as candy corn or other candy, perhaps some popcorn or a bottle of wine (if your neighbors are old enough of course!). Put it by their door and attach the sign to the door. Keep the signs on the doors and watch the Boos spread!
Just print out the PNG or PDF below, and follow the instructions.

Happy Halloween!
This treat is for you, we hope you enjoy.
The idea is simple, one we hope you employ.
You pass “BOO!” along to at least two other neighbors.
Along with any kind of Halloween favors.
If we all do our part, and spread the good cheer,
By Halloween night it will be very clear,
We’re a friendly bunch, we like to share fun!
So please do your part to keep “BOO” on the run!